* = student co-authors ; ** = community co-authors
Burkholder, C., *Keehn, M., MacEntee, K., *Hill, M., **Beaumont, A., & **Hunt, S. (2024). “There’s a lot of DIY joy”: Elevating queer joy through participatory visual research with 2SLGBTQIA+ folks in Atlantic Canada. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–20.
Burkholder, C. & *Keehn, M. (2024). Mobilizing femme pedagogy in sexuality education in New Brunswick, Canada. Curriculum Inquiry. 1–26.
Byers, S., O’Sullivan, L. & Burkholder, C. (2024). How Prepared are Teachers to Provide Sexual Health Education? American Journal of Sexuality Education.
Burkholder, C. & *Keehn, M. (2024). "In some ways they’re the people who need it the most": Mobilizing queer joy with sex ed teachers in New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education. 1(2), 1-15. Retrieved from
*Keehn, M., Burkholder, C., MacEntee, K., *Hill, M., **Poirer, I. & **Beaumont, A. (2024). Doing it together, but in a queer way: Joyful worldmaking with 2SLGBTQI+ folks in Atlantic Canada. Journal of LGBT Youth.
*Simon, S. Burkholder, C. & **Pride/Swell. (2024). Resilience and solidarity building on Instagram: Exploring art, activism, and participatory analysis with Indigenous peoples and 2SLGBTQ+ youth in the Wabanaki Confederacy. Exploring the human story: Arts-based approaches to qualitative inquiry in educational studies. Routledge.
Burkholder, C. & Thompson, J. (2024). Teaching fieldnotes. In A. Ruth, A. Wutich & H.R. Bernard (Eds.) The handbook of teaching qualitative and mixed methods research: A step-by-step guide, (pp. 97-101). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003213277-25
Burkholder, C. & *Keehn, M. (2023). “Something that is so overlooked”: Joyfully exploring queer bodies and sexualities in sex education in New Brunswick, Canada through participatory art production. Sex Education.
Burkholder, C., MacEntee, K., *Thorpe, A & **Pride/Swell. (2023). Solidarity through mail-based participatory visual research: Reflections from an art, activism & archiving project with 2SLGBTQ+ youth amidst COVID-19. Feminist Review. 135(1), 1-22.
Burkholder, C., *Hamill, K. & *Thorpe, A. (2023). Speaking back to gender-based violence in New Brunswick schools through queer maker literacies with 2SLGBTQ+ youth. Journal of Youth Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2023.2246910
Lebel, S, Cruickshank, L. & Burkholder, C. (2022). Pivoting feminist praxis: From a writing collective to pandemic pedagogies. Feminist Pedagogy. 2(1), 1-6,
Burkholder, C., Aladejebi, F. & Schwab-Cartas, J. (2022). Embracing new paths in visual research facilitation: Opportunities, tensions & ethical considerations, Visual Studies, 37(1-2), 7-10, DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2021.1962735
Burkholder, C. & *Thorpe, A. (2022). Facilitating gender-affirming participatory visual research in embodied and online spaces. Visual Studies, 37(1-2), 37-46. DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2021.1982650
Rogers, M. & Burkholder, C. (2022). “I feel like there should have been an opportunity for consultation”: Navigating pandemic education reforms with New Brunswick teachers. Our Schools/ Our Selves: Education in crisis. 9-13.
Burkholder, C. & *Thorpe, A. (2021). Facilitating gender-affirming participatory visual research in embodied and online spaces. Visual Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2021.1982650
Burkholder, C. & *Chase, A. (2021). Exploring the creative geographies of work with pre- service social studies teachers: Exposing intersections of time and labour in New Brunswick, Canada. McGill Journal of Education, 55(3), 1-20.
Burkholder, C. (2021). Cellphilming and building solidarity with queer youth to speak back to historical erasures in New Brunswick Social Studies classrooms. The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies. 0(1), 113-132.
Burkholder, C., MacEntee, K., Mandrona, A., & *Thorpe, A. (2021). Co-producing digital archives with 2SLGBTQ+ Atlantic Canadian youth amidst COVID-19. Qualitative Research Journal. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Burkholder, C., *Hamill, K. & *Thorpe, A. (2021). Zine production with queer youth and pre-service teachers in New Brunswick, Canada: Exploring connection, divergences and visual practices. Canadian Journal of Education. 44(1), 89-115.
Burkholder, C., **Ramos Pakit, A., & **Soriano, J. (2021). Examining gender and resistance with Filipina young women in post-Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong through cellphilm method and collaborative writing. Studies in Social Justice, 15(1), 25-42.
Burkholder, C. (2021). Think/Film/Screen/Change: Negotiating ethics with rural New Brunswick girls and trans and non-binary youth. In. R. Moletsane, A. Mandrona & L. Wiesbesiek (Eds.), Ethical practice in participatory visual research with girls: Transnational approaches, (pp. 43-63). Bergahn.
Burkholder, C., Cruickshank, L., & Lebel, S. (2021). Feminist write club as activist practice: Creating space for collaboration, solidarity, and strategizing within the institution. Sister scholars: Untangling issues of identity as women in the academy. (pp. 31-40). DIO Press.
Burkholder, C. & Rogers, M. (2020). Screening participatory visual research in live-audience and online spaces: Tensions, contradictions, and opportunities. Visual Methodologies, 8(1), 1-15.
Burkholder, C. (2020). Chapter 10: Looking within and looking around: On cellphilming with pre-service Social Studies teachers in Prince Edward Island. In K.C. Schmitz, M. Cotnam-Kappel, & N. Grant, (Eds). Infiltrating, interrupting, investigating: Radical youth pedagogy in education, (pp. 167-178). DIO Press.
Burkholder, C. & Rogers, M. (2020). Moving beyond celebration toward action: Screening cellphilms and participatory videos for different audiences. In M. Carter, C. Mitchell & H. Mreiwed (Eds.), Art as an agent for social change, (pp. 10-20). Brill/Sense.
Burkholder, C. & *Hamill, K. (2020). Pandemic Geography methods: Exploring space, place, humans and the Anthropocene in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Textshop Experiments, 7(5).
Burkholder, C. (2020). Exploring participatory visual research methodologies with queer, trans, and non-binary youth in a research for social change framework. Antistasis.10(10), 130-142.
Burkholder, C. (2020). Chapter 10: Looking within and looking around: On cellphilming with pre-service Social Studies teachers in Prince Edward Island. In K.C. Schmitz, M. Cotnam-Kappel, & N. Grant, (Eds). Infiltrating, interrupting, investigating: Radical youth pedagogy in education, (pp. 167-178). DIO Press.
Burkholder, C. & Rogers, M. (2020). Moving beyond celebration toward action: Screening cellphilms and participatory videos for different audiences. In M. Carter, C. Mitchell & H. Mreiwed (Eds.), Art as an agent for social change, (pp. 10-20). Brill/Sense.
Thompson, J. & Burkholder, C. (2020). What about fieldnotes? An introduction to the collection. In C. Burkholder & J. Thompson (Eds.), (pp. 1-12). Fieldnotes in qualitative education and social science research: Approaches, practices, and ethical considerations. Routledge.
Burkholder, C. (2020). Analysing visual fieldnotes: Looking back on an archive of comic-style fieldnotes. In C. Burkholder & J. Thompson (Eds.), (pp. 234-248). Fieldnotes in qualitative education and social science research: Approaches, practices, and ethical considerations. Routledge.
Saul, R., & Burkholder, C. (2020). Making waste as a practice of freedom: On temporality and time wasting in the academy. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 19 (3). Retrieved from
Burkholder, C. & *Thorpe, A. (2019). Cellphilm production as posthumanist research method to explore injustice with queer youth in New Brunswick, Canada. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 10(2-3), 292-309.
Saul, R. & Burkholder, C. (2019). Intellectualizing whiteness as a response to campus racism: Some concerns. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 1-18 doi: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1654116
Burkholder, C. & *Frawley, A. (2019). Revisiting and disrupting uncritical diversity narratives through autoethnography and cellphilming. LEARNing Landscapes, 12(1), 63-76.
Saul, R. & Burkholder, C. (2019). Schooling futures in tension: On competing discourses at a technology education summit. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 1-22. doi: 10.1080/15505170.2019.1611679
MacEntee, K., Burkholder, C., & Schwab-Cartas, J. (2019). Cellphilms. In P. Leavy (Ed.) The Oxford handbook of methods for public scholarship, (pp. 419-442). Oxford University Press.
Lemieux, A., Burkholder, C. & Ribiero, J. (2019). Pedagogies of empathy-building: Canadian and Azorean perspectives of film-viewing in higher education. In G. Barton & S. Garvis (Eds.). Compassion and empathy in educational contexts, (pp. 271-288). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gube, J. & Burkholder, C. (2019). Unresolved tensions in Hong Kong’s racialized discourses: Implications for education of ethnic minorities. In J. Gube & F. Gao (Eds.), Education, ethnicity and inequality in multilingual Asian context, (pp. 105-122). Springer.
Burkholder, C. & Gube, J. (2018). ‘When our racial identities are entangled with our scholarly endeavors’: (Re)presenting the identities of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong. Visual Studies, 1-12.
Mitchell, C., Magubane, S., Burkholder, C., & Saloojee, S. (2018). Ethically significant moments in stirring up memories. In C. Mitchell, D. Pillay & K. Pithouse-Morgan (Eds.) Memory mosaics: Researching teacher professional learning through artful memory-work, (pp. 175-192). Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97106-3
*Downey, A. & Burkholder, C. (2018). (Re)constructing anti-colonial teacher identities through reflexive inquiry. In E. Lyle (Ed). The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 63-75). Brill / Sense Publishers.
Burkholder, C. (2018). “Democracy! Not just for locals but for us too!”: Exploring multiethnic young people’s calls for social change in Hong Kong through cellphilms. In P. Carr, M. Hoechsmann & G. Thésée (Eds.) Democracy 2.0: Media, political literacy and education in the era of corporate and (potentially) participatory media. Brill / Sense Publishers.
Burkholder, C. (2018). DIY media-making for social change: Hong Kong’s ethnic minority youth speak back to exclusion and call for social action through cellphilms. In S. Bastien & H. Holmarsdottir (Eds.) Youth as architects of change: Global efforts to advance youth-driven innovation for social change, (pp. 155-174). Palgrave MacMillan.
Burkholder, C. (2017). “Before Occupy Central, I wasn’t concerned”: Examining participatory visual research for social change with Hong Kong based Filipina youth activists. Language and Literacy, 19(2), 56-73.
Burkholder, C. (2017). Who’s Hong Kong? Cellphilming and civic engagement with ethnic minority youth. In S. Malik, C. Chapain & R. Comunian (Eds.). Community filmmaking: Diversity, innovation, policy and practice, (pp. 45-59). Routledge.
Burkholder, C. & MacEntee, K. (2016). Exploring the ethics of a participant-produced cellphilm archive: The complexities of dissemination. In D. Warr, M., Guillemin, S., Cox and Waycott, J. (Eds.), Ethics and visual research methods: Theory, methodology and practice, (pp. 211-224). Palgrave Macmillan.
Burkholder, C. (2016). On keeping public visual fieldnotes as reflexive ethnographic practice. McGill Journal of Education, 51(2), 907-916.
MacEntee, K., Burkholder, C., & Schwab-Cartas, J. (2016). What’s a cellphilm? Introducing the methodology. In K. MacEntee, C. Burkholder, and J. Schwab-Cartas (Eds.). What’s a cellphilm?: Integrating mobile phone technology into participatory arts based research and activism. Sense Publishers.
Burkholder, C. (2016). We are HK too!: Disseminating cellphilms in a participatory archive. In K. MacEntee, C. Burkholder, and J. Schwab-Cartas (Eds.). What’s a cellphilm?: Integrating mobile phone technology into participatory arts based research and activism. Sense Publishers.
Schwab-Cartas, J., MacEntee, K., & Burkholder, C. (2016). Where do we go from here? A conclusion. In K. MacEntee, C. Burkholder, and J. Schwab-Cartas (Eds.). What’s a cellphilm?: Integrating mobile phone technology into participatory arts based research and activism. Sense Publishers.
Burkholder, C., Makremalla, M., Abdou, E., Khan, F., & Khoja, N. (2015). Why study power in digital spaces anyway? Considering power and participatory visual methods. Perspectives in Education, 33(4), 6-22.
Mitchell, C. & Burkholder, C. (2015). Chapter 43: Literacies and research as social change. In J. Rowsell and K. Pahl (Eds.). Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. Routledge.
Filion, M. & Burkholder, C. (2015). Intercultural education for all? A comparative analysis of intercultural educational policies in Quebec and Hong Kong. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 17(2), 21-35.
Burkholder, C. & Filion, M. (2014). Educating adults for citizenship: Critiquing adequate language practices and Canada’s Citizenship Test. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. 26(4), 1-14.
Burkholder, C. (2013). ‘Just the school makes us non-Chinese’: Contrasting the discourses of Hong Kong’s Education Bureau with the lived experiences of its Non-Chinese Speaking secondary school population. Journal of Educational Research for Social Change, 2(2), 43-58.